Our team is constantly raising the level for qualification in order to support a high quality of service with uniform standards observed in all departments: in production, in the repro house, by techs, by the supply and logistics department and by client services specialists.
We strive for success and results, always developing, creating conveniences for our customers, introducing innovations and increasing our efficiency and work quality.
We can say with certainty that Druck Service is the best choice for manufacturers of pharmaceutical and medicinal drugs, perfume and cosmetics, food items, consumer goods, garments and electronics.
Druck Service, LLC print factory offers vacancies to people interested in the printing industry. We welcome not just experienced specialists, but also young and energetic people who are interested in a career in the printing business. Our company accepts students from technological universities and the College of Printing Arts. After their training, young specialists have the opportunity to continue working at Druck Service, LLC.